An elderly man died and a woman was badly injured in a single-car crash that took place recently in Carlsbad, according to reports. Police say that a car driven by an unidentified 79-year-old woman crossed into the opposite lane on Monroe Street and slammed into trees on the side of the road. The woman was taken to an area hospital for treatment of major injuries while her passenger, a 97-year-old man, was pronounced dead at the scene.
Alcohol is not believed to have been a factor in the crash, but police are not yet sure what made the woman veer off the road and into the trees. An investigation is ongoing and may reveal some type of medical cause for the accident such as a coronary event or stroke.
It is not certain exactly how many lives are lost each year due to medically-related car crashes. While heart attacks and strokes are the most common cause of medically induced crashes, diabetes, epilepsy and other factors may also play a role.
While it may not be the driver’s “fault” that a crash is caused by a stroke or a heart attack, the driver’s insurance company may still be liable for damages to victims. In addition, there have also been cases of people causing serious or fatal crashes due to misuse of prescription drugs; this may change the liability issue as well. A driver may be held personally liable if he or she fails to take medication properly and an accident results.
Are you the victim of a car crash? If so, you may be facing medical bills as well as lost wages from being unable to work. You may be suffering from pain and emotional distress and your family may be affected as well. Car crash victims are often faced with very high costs for an accident that was not their fault, yet many find it difficult to recover compensation from the person who hurt them.
Dan Gilleon is a San Diego personal injury attorney who has been representing the victims of car accidents for many years. Dan Gilleon and his staff are ready to work with you in order to help you recover damages for the costs associated with your accident. Give him a call today to set up a free consultation.