Wrongful Termination Lawyers

San Diego Wrongful Termination Attorney


Wrongful Termination

Highly Qualified San Diego Wrongful Termination Lawyers

Serving San Diego, Orange and Los Angeles counties

Wrongful Termination AttorneyWhile being fired is always difficult, in some cases it might also be illegal. Serving San Diego, Orange and Los Angeles counties, the knowledgeable attorneys at Gilleon Law Firm, APC provide experienced representation to workers suffering damage and loss due to discrimination or wrongful termination.

Understanding Wrongful Termination in San Diego

California is an at-will employment state. This means you are offered and provided employment by an employer at the will of both parties. Unless subject to an employment contract, you may quit a job when you choose and your employer can demote or discharge you at their choice as well.

Employment contracts can be written, verbal or implied. Speaking with the employment lawyers at our firm is important to understand the framework of your employment and the conditions that led to your discharge.

Conditions under which a wrongful termination claim may be asserted include the following:

  • Termination outside the terms of an employment contract or without compliance to existing employer termination policy is unlawful.
  • It is wrongful to discharge an employee in retaliation for whistle-blowing, reporting or refusing to participate in illegal behavior or for refusing to enter or toil in an unsafe work environment.
  • Wrongful termination occurs when a worker is fired as a result of pursuit of protected rights like medical leave, filing a harassment claim or applying for worker compensation benefits after injury.
  • It is illegal to terminate an employee for discriminatory reasons including race, religion, ancestry, age, gender, disability, national origin and sexual orientation, among others.

Wrongful termination actions are filed against employers, not against harassing managers or coworkers. When employment is governed by a contract or employer policy, alternative dispute methods like arbitration may be necessary.

Our law firm fully investigates the working environment and circumstances surrounding your termination and provides decisive counsel on your options for moving forward with a legal claim.

With years of successful experience in employment law in San Diego, our wrongful termination attorneys provide aggressive representation to pursue remedies for you including compensation for lost wages, expenses, fair severance terms and punitive damages for egregious employer conduct when appropriate.

San Diego wrongful termination attorneys provide skilled legal representation

Highly adept with employment law matters including wrongful termination, sexual harassment and discrimination, Gilleon Law Firm, APC answers your questions and pursues your rights when you suffer illegal treatment in the workplace. Located Downtown San Diego, we serve clients throughout San Diego, Orange and Los Angeles counties. Convenient by train or Highways I-5 and I-8 we schedule after-hours appointments when needed. Call us at 619.702.8623 or contact us online to set up a free consultation today.