Elder Abuse Common in San Diego

  • Jun 03 2015
  • Gilleon Law Firm, APC

elder abuse awarenessAccording to recent statistics, San Diego County authorities currently handle approximately 9,000 elder abuse cases each year. Sadly, this may be only the surface of the issue, as experts believe many cases of abuse are never reported. Elder abuse is a common occurrence and can range from financial abuse to neglect to physical abuse. Victims are often forced to live in silent desperation when they are unable to seek help.

Signs of Elder Abuse

There are several key signs that an elderly person may be being abused, including:

  • Obvious and/or unexplained bruises, fractures, swelling, abrasions or other injury
  • The individual is withdrawn, depressed fearful or confused
  • Evidence of theft or unexplained changes in finances
  • Malnutrition
  • Unkempt appearance
  • Emotional abuse including intimidation, threats, mockery or other poor treatment can cause an elderly individual to become withdrawn emotionally
  • Neglect, including abandonment, isolation, or a failure to meet basic needs including feeding, medication and hygiene

These are only a few signs that an elderly person may be suffering abuse. Elder abuse is a broad term used to describe a range of actions.

Most people think of physical abuse when they think of elder abuse; however, this is only one type of abuse an elder can suffer. Other common types of abuse include financial abuse, including scams and thievery. Neglect is also common, especially in over-crowded and under-staffed retirement homes.

What to Do If You Suspect Elder Abuse

If you have an elderly loved one or friend you suspect is being abused, you must act quickly to minimize the damage. The first thing you should do is contact the Adult Protective Services in San Diego. You should then contact the legal team at the Gilleon Law Firm, APC. We can offer you more than 50 years of combined experience in aiding those who have suffered elder abuse to seek compensation for their damages from the at-fault party.

The Gilleon Law Firm, APC is proud to offer highly-qualified and reputable lawyers to represent those who have been unjustly injured or neglected while living in a nursing care facility. The Gilleon Law Firm, APC is here to help your loved ones exercise their rights under personal injury law and seek compensation for these damages. The personal injury lawyers at the Gilleon Law Firm, APC will quickly take aggressive action against the perpetrators of neglect, abuse or fraud directed at the elderly or their family members.

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