California Moves to Limit Football Concussions in Youth

  • Sep 09 2014
  • Gilleon Law Firm, APC

football_concussionIn July 2014, California governor Jerry Brown signed AB 2127 into law. The law was introduced to help reduce the number of concussions in high school and college football players after more National Football League players sued because of severe head injuries. Lawmakers also hope to raise awareness of how injuries to the head are very serious and can leave victims paralyzed.

Under the new law, full-contacts football practices in middle and high schools must be limited to less than 90 minutes per day. Only two full-contact practice sessions are allowed in a week and they are completely banned during the off-season. If a player is suspected to have a head injury, then that player is banned from playing games until after being checked out by a medical expert.

A study by clinical neuropsychologist and assistant director of the youth concussion program for Kaiser Permanente, Dawn Levine, found that one-third of the 600 hits sustained by a football player occur in training. High school students suffer an estimated 100,000 concussions per year, 75 percent of which occur during practice. This may be because players do not automatically know how to perform a safe tackle and can only learn to do so through training. Dr. Levine agrees with the new law because she believes it will reduce the number of long-term injuries that high school students sustain from football.

Concussion Is Not a “Minor” Injury

Concussions can have a large impact on lives. Zackary Lystedt, a middle school football player, suffered severe head injuries at a game in 2006. He was left in a three-month-long coma and still walks with a cane. Other players have died or been permanently paralyzed due to head injuries sustained in football practice or games. What is even more frightening is the frequency with which head injuries sustained in sports go undetected until permanent damage has set in.

If you or a loved one has suffered a severe head injury, you need a lawyer who can fight for your rights and help you recover the compensation you deserve. At Gilleon Law Firm, APC, we are known for our tireless commitment to deliver results and focus on the best interests of our clients. Our years of experience can help us build up a strong case for you and help you receive the compensation to which you are entitled. Visit us in our office in San Diego or call us to book your free consultation.

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