More plane debris has been found, renewing hopes that more information will be made known about Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370. Attorney Dan Gilleon of the Gilleon Law Firm, APC in San Diego is representing a German mother whose teenage son was lost on the flight. The families of those on board have received no information from the airline, prompting some to file civil suits.
Gilleon stated, “I asked her the other day how she felt about them finding the parts. She just responded, ‘Pain, pain, pain.’” He informed reporters, “520 days later, she’s hearing that a part was found, but then the Malaysian Prime Minster comes out and says, ‘We know it went down. We know this is MH370.’ But the authorities who were supposed to make that determination won’t do it…I think the Malaysian Prime Minister lost credibility a long time ago with the families, and that has only added to the misery of what my client is going through right now.”
A reporter asked Gilleon about rumors that the Malaysian Government has more to gain if the plane is never found. He responded, “I think so, absolutely. Right now all the families are having to look to this thing called the Montreal Convention which is really a very poor way of recovering anything. It’s a law that was meant to help, but the real case here and the facts here lie with that plane at the bottom of the ocean. We need the black box. We need the plane. We need to find out why this thing went down. I don’t think that necessarily Boeing or the manufacturers really are going to be better off by having that plane found. The same thing with Malaysian Airlines. If that black box is found and it can prove that their co-pilot took this thing down for the fourth time in about six years, intentional acts by pilots, that could be devastating for Malaysian Airlines. Right now, without that plane being there…they can cloud everything, they can deny and raise a lot of questions as to what happened and it makes it very difficult to prove.”
With the finding of the debris, investigators are testing to determine if it is from the missing flight. Gilleon reminded listeners, “This is the only 777 missing in the entire world. It’s exactly where all the computers said these parts would be…we all know it is. But I think it is irresponsible for the Malaysian Prime Minister to come out and say this when the authorities won’t say it. Just let the authorities make the call. The families will then accept that and move towards that closure.”
When asked about the wrongful death suit, Gilleon stated that, “This is the most devastating thing anyone can go through, the loss of their child. That is why we are looking for cases we can bring here to the United States…the product defect cases. That is what I was saying before, that it would be better for the manufacturers if we did not find this plane.”
If you have questions about a wrongful death suit, contact the Gilleon Law Firm, APC in San Diego today.