Most personal injury cases seek a relatively small amount of money for damages, including pain and suffering. However, some cases involve negligence that is so obvious or so heinous that the jury feels moved to give the plaintiff a large … Continue reading
The rumor mill is working in Boulder, Colorado. Auto industry sources say that Colorado was one of several states to receive water-damaged cars from the East Coast following Super Storm Sandy. To avoid auto fraud, Tim Jackson, president of the … Continue reading
The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently announced a salmonella outbreak linked to chicken grown by West Coast Foster Farms. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that as of October 7, 2013, 278 people from 17 states were … Continue reading
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that food poisoning causes 128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths every year. Consumers who suffer foodborne illnesses may be able to bring legal actions against the responsible parties for their failure to … Continue reading