Even though vehicle accidents happen every day, you’re going to be shaken up if it happens to you. Thinking clearly is practically impossible because your heart is racing and the adrenalin is flowing. How you handle things in that moment … Continue reading
Educate yourself about how to avoid injury from a motorcycle accident, and what effects can be seen if a motorcycle accident results in brain injury. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, the federal government estimates that per mile traveled … Continue reading
A serious pileup accident at an intersection in Clairemont left two badly hurt victims trapped in their vehicles, according to recent reports. The accident happened at the intersection of Genesee Avenue and Appleton Street when one driver, who was traveling … Continue reading
Any type of accident is frightening, and it is easy to make bad decisions after you have suffered an injury. It is important to know what to do before you have an accident so that when something happens you are … Continue reading